Over Valentine's Day, I ran a special for those wanting something special for their loved ones, a gift of photography! I am so happy that my recent client, Jessica Lemley, took me up on this offer to capture her retired rope/barrel horse, Blue!

Those of us who have owned horses, know the bond that exists when we find our "heart horse". Capturing that bond in photographs is the perfect way to keep our "heart horse" with us forever.

Jessica and I scheduled her session first in April. Then of course, Corona! We rescheduled for May, thinking this thing can't last long. Boy were we wrong! So, with things still in shut down mode, we rescheduled for June. First date, the weather was not good. So, again we rescheduled for a week later. Again, it rained! BUT, the following day was perfect! It certainly was worth the wait to capture what we did!
Most of the time, my clients get pumped up for their sessions (I may have something to do with that...as I love building the excitement!) and I am sure Jessica was on a roller coaster ride with getting pumped and then deflated when we had to cancel so many times due to Covid, due to weather. She actually mentioned to me that she was worried about how she would look, how her mare would behave, would her images be beautiful.

After sending Jessica her proof album, I was so happy to hear that she was in tears! Happy tears of course, as she loved them all! She told me her kids laughed at her as she cried looking through them.

We also managed to get a few of Jessica and her husband, Jason as well.
I am so happy that Jessica was able to see how beautiful she is, how beautiful Blue is and how no matter what, images from Roam Photos will be amazing. I will always make sure my clients have a fun experience, and always always produce images that clients are proud to display and share!
If you would like to book a Roam Photos session for your horse or pet , click here or give me a call at
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